SaaS Protection for Microsoft 365
Data Protection in the Cloud
What is SiRON SaaS Protection?
SiRON SaaS Protection ensures data in Microsoft 365 will be
protected against all forms of data loss. SiRON SaaS Protection
is able to restore or export important files, emails and
SharePoint content that can be lost due to human error, app
outages, ransomware or other malicious attacks.
Additional benefits of the product include the ability to easily
move files from one employee to another, reduce costs
associated with departed employees and give your MSP
business peace of mind knowing your clients’ data is easily
recoverable via a web-based UI.
Limitations of Microsoft’s Restore:
- When targeting an existing folder or sub-folder to send recovered data, live data is often overwritten by the restore function
- Hierarchy and document permissions are not maintained when restoring OneDrive and SharePoint Sites
- Site Collections are kept in the tenant recycle bin and can be restored within 30 days after deletion
- All objects consisting of documents, list items, subsites, lists, libraries, etc. are retained for 93 days after deletion
- OneDrive for Business has the same 93 day retention period for deleted items after deletion
- User data is retained for only 30 days following account deletion costs and the cost of using MSP techs to fix potential issues. Troubleshooting becomes an issue in this scenario: who does the MSP call if something breaks? Ultimately, even if backup vendors offer support, MSPs should prepare for the additional back-and-forth communication that will be required
MSP Options for Microsoft 365 Backup
Microsoft’s Insufficient Backup
MSPs moving clients onto Microsoft 365 without a 3rd party
backup are relying solely on native recovery options. Microsoft
tools allow admins to restore lost or deleted data for 30-93
days (depending on the application) after the incident. Microsoft
also informs users that if an unexpected event were to occur
and all user data is lost, Microsoft is not liable for the damages
or obligated to retrieve said data. Microsoft also makes no
promises to restore corrupted data. Bottom line: Companies
without a 3rd Party Backup solution are leaving their data
unprotected should a worst case scenario situation take place.
Self-Hosted Vendors
In a self-hosted environment, MSPs commit to local ownership
of client data. All Microsoft 365 account data, hardware, and
software is stored within the MSP client’s facility. The customer
will be responsible for ongoing maintenance.
3rd Party Backup Vendors
In a cloud-to-cloud environment, a third party provider is able
to host everything from storage to backup configurations for
you. Clients are able to pay on an “as needed” basis and scale
their costs up or down depending on their usage. MSPs can
save time and money with the use of instant provisioning,
automated backups, and easy web-based management of
SaaS data.
Is SiRON Right For Your Business?
Do you have clients on Microsoft Microsoft 365 or plans to move there?
- IF YES, ASK:“How are you backing up that data?”
- IF NO BACKUP:“Did you know that Microsoft recommends that customers have a 3rd party backing up data within Microsoft Office 365?”
What is your business currently using to backup that cloud productivity software?
- IF NOTHING:“What would you do if they accidentally deleted an important email or files/folders in OneDrive/ SharePoint content?”
- “What would you do if you got hit with ransomware and it locked your email or OneDrive/Sharepoint data?”
- “What do you do to make sure your end user’s compliance needs are met with backup and restore?”
Why are you now looking to protect Microsoft 365?
- “Did you suffer from ransomware or another form of malicious attack?”
If you’re already using SaaS backup, what do you feel your current solution is missing?
- Take note of current issues they have and look for ways SaaS Protection can resolve them
How important is having access to your backup provider vendor at all times?
- SiRON has 24/7/365 support via chat, email, and phone
How important is it that your backup vendor supports your business as it grows?
- SiRON SaaS Protection is able to grow along with your and your client’s business
- SiRON has 24/7/365 support via chat, email, and phone
- SiRON offers pricing that rewards the growth of your business
- Able to manage all SaaS backup from one centralized location for all of your managed clients
- No-cost Marketing Automation to help you market to your clients
- Account Management that understand your business and can help scope, price, and position MSP services to your clients
Do you know where your data is being stored with your current provider?
- SiRON stores its data in its own purpose-built cloud, all of your data is secure, on hand, and easily accessible
- SiRON Cloud security information is available within the Partner Portal
How often is your data being backed up? Is there a limit?
- SiRON SaaS Protection backs up data 3x daily
- Unlimited on-demand backups that will not disrupt regularly scheduled daily backups
- No monthly limit to the amount of data backed up
SiRON is better than Self-Hosted Backup Solutions because:
- SaaS Protection easily integrates with new software
saving you time:
- When you have an issue backing up or restoring data, you can called SiRON anytime, day or night
- With the use of instant provisioning, the time spent on installation and configuration is eliminated
- With SiRON SaaS Protection, everything is stored in SiRON’s own private cloud for greater predictability, compliance, and unlimited data storage
- SiRON is more than a vendor:
- SiRON SaaS Protection is able to partner and grow with your and your client’s business
- SiRON offers pricing that rewards the growth of your MSP business
- SiRON is able to able to manage all SaaS backup from one centralized location for all managed clients
- SiRON offers No-cost Marketing Automation to help you market to clients
- SiRON’s Account Management that understands your business and can help you scope, price, and position your services to clients
- SiRON offers 24/7 support 365 days a year via chat, email and/or phone
- SiRON offers SOC II, HIPAA, and other data compliance
SiRON is better than 3rd Party Backup Solutions because:
- SiRON SaaS Protection has one price per user to protect all data in your SaaS applications and as you sell more, your profit increases with pooled pricing
- SiRON SaaS Protection has unlimited backup retention and data is backed up 3x daily
- Rather than being stored in AWS, Google Cloud or Azure, all data is stored in SiRON’s own purpose-built private cloud. This solves the predictability, compliance, and data storage limit concerns that are often prevalent within an IaaS.
- If you are using a 3rd party provider, consider that SiRON SaaS Protection hosts everything for the user with no on-site software/ hardware installation necessary
- SiRON SaaS Protection is able to partner and grow with the your and your client’s businesss
- SiRON offers pricing that rewards your MSP business’s growth
- SiRON is able to manage all SaaS backup from one centralized location for all managed clients
- SiRON offers no-cost Marketing Automation to help you market to clients
- Account Management that understands your business and can help you scope, price, and position MSP services to clients
- SiRON offers 24/7 global support 365 days a year via chat, email and/or phone